110 words
1 minutes
Weekly Wanderings

what she explored this week#

week 0x05#

  • did few challs of pwn.college, stuck on the shellcoding part

week 0x05#

  • did 10 challs of pwn.college of assembly crash course
  • did 3 chapters of C book

week 0x04#

  • completed begin.re except the minesweeper challenge
  • did 7 levels of pwn.college asm crash course
  • solved 5 challenges from picoCTF in reversing section

week 0x03#

  • completed basic static analysis from PMA book and all of it’s labs

week 0x02#

  • Itsy bitsy of HTB CTF, couldn’t play much
  • PMA book as usual
  • Brought back my gitbook to life

week 0x01#

  • pwn.college - program misuse 10 levels
  • Practical malware analysis book - 50 pages - some windows API calls, understanding and identifying what makes a malware, a malware
  • Developing with astro theme and some tailwind CSS
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